Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all information collected or submitted on all our aviation apps for iPhone and any other devices and platforms (currently, WearMETAR for Android and WatchMetar for iOS).

Information we collect

Currently, we don't collect any personal information and don't require user account to be established to use the apps. All user preferences (favorite airports, search history and settings) are stored on the device only.

When the app is communicating with the server, the following information is stored in the log files for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes: request date/time, originating IP address, API endpoint URL and API parameters. Depending on the type of request, API parameters may contain airport IDs or location coordinates for the search. No other information is being collected in the log files, and requests cannot be traced back to a specific user. The logs are recycled on a weekly basis and are available only to the developer / system administrator.

Information usage

We use the information we collect in the log files to troubleshoot the issues and for general maintenance only. It is not used for any other purpose.

We may disclose your information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal requirements; to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or abuse, violations of our policies; or to protect our rights and property.


We implement a variety of security measures to help keep your information secure. For instance, all communication between the app and the server API is encrypted using HTTPS protocol.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We don't collect or transmit any personal information.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We don't collect or transmit any personal information.

Information for European Union Customers

We don't collect or transmit any personal information.

International Transfers of Information

Information may be processed, stored, and used outside of the country in which you are located. Data privacy laws vary across jurisdictions, and different laws may be applicable to your data depending on where it is processed, stored, or used.

Your Consent

By using our site or apps, you consent to our privacy policy.

Contacting Us

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you may submit a feedback form at this website.

Changes to this policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Summary of changes so far: